Home office ideas for people who are stranded home.
Make a weekly plan with all your tasks based priority , work at your home office based on strict time line, as you know distraction are just a feet away, it could be your sick enders or playfull kids or your favoutite dishe on your spouse plates.Turnoff your mobilr phone if you are not working on hotspot, research says that 40% of your productive time is eaten away by you Smart phone.Today you have apps which can stop your addiction to your phone.
Dont multi task -multitask kills your focus end of the day you are where you have started , always be organised, keep all the essentiels including a bottle of water which is allways trap to distraction.
Having clear routin would for sure fetch results, make list of things which you should do in the first half of the day which is alway fresh part of the day , dont forget to take brakes this is a energy boasters but donot fiddle your phone.
finish what you started by the end of the day donot put things to the dead line. Home sweet home is your money spinner, you should enjoy your work from your home , call us for stting your home office with economical budget.
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